Manual & Motorized XY Stages
To accommodate more complex needs, we offer countless combinations of manual and motorized XY stages to ensure your customized compound is appropriate for the application. With two axes, you have many options regarding the purpose, powering source, saddle adjustments and other specifications of the lower and upper axis.
You may use Gilman’s hardened-way, dovetail or linear-guide slides to build your XY stage and acquire the desired movement. You can also add Gilman spindles to the assembly for an even greater expanse in operation and application.
With such a large number of customizable elements, these XY positioning stages have extensive capabilities in any industry. It is recommended to contact our engineering professionals to determine the best approach to tackle your linear motion challenge. With your application information and Gilman’s determination, no challenge is too tough to find a solution for using our XY slide combinations.

XY, XZ or XYZ Stage Configurations
One of Gilman’s more popular and standard stage designs is our ND Dovetail slide combination line. ND slides feature a low-profile, saddle and base design. With holes provided on the base, saddle and angle bracket, these slides may be configured in single axis, XY, XZ, or XYZ stage configurations. Slide width, saddle length and saddle travel all have proportional relationships in this building block concept. Contact us today to receive a quote on an ND project for your application.
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If you you would like to reach us directly, give us a call at 262-377-2434, or email us at